EverQuest 2 Spell/Spells Information
Blackwood's Focus Channeler
This is the condensed energy of an ancient, mythical weapon.
Target |
Power |
Casting |
1.0 second
Recast |
3.0 seconds
Duration |
Until Canceled
Level |
- Applies Blackwood's Focus to qualifying pets.
- Heals target for 1.0% of max health instantly and every 3 seconds
- Cannot be modified except by direct means
- Improves the Channeler's heals by 20% of their wisdom.
- Cannot be modified except by direct means
This spell is not upgradeable
This spell is a quest reward for completing Channeler Epic Weapon Timeline.
In game link: \aITEM 28893089 1030440917 0 0 0:Blackwood's Focus\/a