After you accept the quest, travel to Greater Faydark - you're going to The Nursery, so go to the Druid Ring near Opal Pond if you can as it's the closest access to the path into the Nursery. Once in the Nursery, speak with the Matron of the Nursery at ( -120, -43, -788 ) Copy/waypoint -120, -43, -788.
Loping Plains : 15 Eternal Nightshade (trackable) it looks like tall, dead grass and is found around the crypts at Somborn Cemetery at ( -396, 16, 54 ) Copy/waypoint -395.77, 15.80, 54.13
Steamfont Mountains : 10 used grease - from oil cans, found NW of Gnomeland Security, between Loping Plains Stable & Butcherblock Greater Faydark Stable in Steamfont Mountains.(note shaded area on Map)
Note:As of 12/12/2016, oil cans are showing as 'scrap heap', and are trackable, but you won't know if its a real scrap heap or oil can until you can see it.
Steamfont Mountains : 1 or 2 rusted water pump - from upright gears, possible locations include: ( -506, 114, 758 ) Copy/waypoint -506, 114, 758 or ( -446, 99, 796 ) Copy/waypoint -446, 99, 796
Steamfont Mountains : 1 used power source - from a scrap heap, found NW of Gnomeland Security, between Loping Plains Stable & Butcherblock Greater Faydark Stable in Steamfont Mountains.(note shaded area on Map).
Steamfont Mountains : 20 gnomish bolt - from flat gear "scrap heap," found NW of Gnomeland Security, between Loping Plains Stable & Butcherblock Greater Faydark Stable in Steamfont Mountains.(note shaded area on Map)
Return to Maladominus Poxbringer. With a little prompting, he will make you a Soporific Dispensorator (look like a round bomb), which you'll want to put on a hotbar for use in the next quest.
When you gather materials in Steamfont, your map should highlight the region to look in, but the scrap piles can still be tricky to spot.
The easiest way to find them is to look in the area between Gnomeland Security Headquarters and the zone-in point for Loping Plains.
Most will be close to the edges of the natural stone walls, along the path leading to Loping Plains.
All have the generic name "scrap heap", but there are four distinct type and each yields different items you need as you gather materials from them. They are trackable with "Track Harvests"
Before you go to gather the items, see the image here and read the descriptions for each scrap heap type below, to save you time and frustration.
You may need to get close to some of these (especially the junk piles) for them to render on your screen.