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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Maldura  (AA)
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thalumbra, the Ever Deep more
How to Start Quest will be offered when walking around ( 501, 120, 257 ) Copy in Outer Maldura.
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline
Preceded by:
Valley of the Thralls
Followed by:
Vengeance for Bhardain

What does this information mean?

I noticed that Bhardain, and his wolf, Shuck, are no longer working within Outer Maldura. Where would they have traveled to?


  1. Speak to Thaldhor in Outer Maldura466, 123, 275 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  2. Find Bhardain and Shuck near the Penumbra Expansion471, 30, -597 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  3. Click Bhardain.

