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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 90 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Tower of Frozen Shadow: Shadowed Corridors more
How to Start Examine book on 2nd Floor at ( -85, 75, -100 ) Copy
part of: Beauty's Only Skin Deep Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Besought Baubles
Unhappily Ever After

What does this information mean? This quest is also part of the more generic Tower of Frozen Shadow Timeline.
This quest is additionally part of the Heritage Quests Timeline.

General Advice[]

For step 3 below, the disruptive students spawn throughout the library (upstairs and downstairs). Since it is a timed event, you are advised to clear all the trash in the library before carrying out step 2 (which starts the timed event).


  1. Speak to Marian Cross on 2nd Floor at ( -75, 49, 78 ) Copy in the frozen library.
  2. Speak to J.G. Hill on the upper level of the library at ( 74, 71, -116 ) Copy. Tell her that the authors initials are "C.O.".
  3. Defeat 7 disruptive students. This is a timed event with a limit of 10 minutes. If you run out of time, you will have to repeat step 2 again to restart the event.
  4. Speak to J.G. Hill again. She will give you the Sealed Scroll for the second floor, the Sealed Ancient Scroll.
  5. Recover the other five Sealed Scrolls. The first two are in the same zone, the other three require entering the Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls instance.
    • Shadowed Corridors: The Sealed Aged Scroll can be obtained on the first floor. On entering the south-east room, a shadowbeast spawns. Kill that and a small chest drops containing the scroll.
      • If the mob isn't there, run through the rooms on this floor spawning the normal guys (one spawns at a time in each room, you have to exit and reenter each time). Eventually a Large Undead Gnoll will spawn and drop the scroll.
      • Note for EQMaps users: it says "Ancient Gnoll" but "Large Undead Gnoll" dropped it
    • The Sealed Bloodstained Scroll can be obtained on the third floor by completing the sub-quest Besought Baubles.
    • Umbral Halls: The Sealed Dusty Scroll can be obtained on the fourth floor as follows.
      1. Click on the canopic jar at ( -69, 294, -8 ) Copy, killed the three undead that spawn, and obtain the stomach of Amontehepna.
      2. Click on the canopic jar at ( 37, 290, -42 ) Copy, killed the three undead that spawn, and obtain the liver of Amontehepna.
      3. Click on the canopic jar at ( 30, 292, 35 ) Copy, killed the three undead that spawn, and obtain the lungs of Amontehepna.
      4. In the maze in the sub-level under Floor 4, click on the coffin at ( 26, 267, -64 ) Copy, which spawns Amontehepna. Defeat Amontehepna to obtain the scroll.
    • The Sealed Moldy Scroll can be obtained on the fifth floor by completing the sub-quest Unhappily Ever After.
    • The Sealed Timeworn Scroll can be obtained on the sixth floor at ( 19, 561, 43 ) Copy.
  6. Return to Marian Cross at ( -75, 49, 78 ) Copy in the frozen library. She deciphers the book for you and gives you excerpts of each chapter. She tells you that the book's author is Cara Omica and you need to speak to her.
  7. Go back to Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls and defeat Cara Omica, the final named on the fourth floor (Darkness Rising).
    • Note: You will have likely have defeated her as part of step 5, so you will need a new instance of the zone to do this in if that is the case.
  8. Once Cara has been defeated, speak to her spirit.
  9. Return once again to Marian Cross in the frozen library to complete the quest.

