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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced LU57
Journal Level 35 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Steamfont Mountains more
How to Start Speak to Jamie Sprocketbreaker at ( -646, 175, 1078 ) Copy in Gnomeland Security Headquarters.
part of: Tradeskill Timeline
Preceded by:
Building A Better Dummy, Part 3
Followed by:
Crafty Sootfoots: Scouting About

What does this information mean?


  1. Place the target dummy where Jamie Sprocketbreaker indicated.
    • Place the dummy at ( -644, 175, 1064 ) Copy.
  2. Stand near Jamie and use the Troll Snot Flinger (testing prototype) on the target dummy.
  3. Stand near Jamie and use the Gnarmy! (testing prototype) on the target dummy.
  4. Stand near Jamie and use the Tinkered Turkey Launcher (testing prototype) on the target dummy.
  5. Speak to Adam about the results.

Note: Make sure your pet or Mercenary are not going to assist you, as if they destroy the target dummy you will not receive quest credit; or will have to craft another dummy for the remaining weapons.

