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Bauble of the Unkempt
Item 3274
White Adornment Slot 
212 Primary Attributes 430 Stamina
15,750  Resistances 45 Combat Skills
18.7% Crit Bonus
18.7%  Potency
12.5% Reuse Speed
1,250 Ability Mod
Spines III
Slot Ear
Level 95 (Tier 10)

  • When Equipped:
    • When damaged with a melee weapon this spell will cast Spines III on target's attacker. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
      • Inflicts 31,050 piercing damage on target.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 1.0 second.
Obtain: Reward from the quest "A Ranger's Bow".

\aITEM 1172018335 -72337225:Bauble of the Unkempt\/a \aITEM 1172018335 -72337225:Bauble of the Unkempt\/a
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