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Bangle of Searing War

Bangle of Searing War

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Bangle of Searing War
Item 2201
White Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
90 Primary Attributes 90 Stamina
564  Resistances 30 Combat Skills
13.1% Max Health
6.1% Crit Chance
5.4% Crit Bonus
9%  Potency
6.1% Reuse Speed
4.9% Casting Speed
Slot Wrist
Level 90 (Tier 10)
All Mages
Obtain: From Supreme Imperium Valdemar in Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone (Challenge).

\aITEM -1524671197 603332974 0 0 0:Bangle of Searing War\/a \aITEM -1524671197 603332974 0 0 0:Bangle of Searing War\/a
What does this information mean?

Armor Set: Warcaster's Aura of Death
All Mages ONLY

All Priests ONLY

All Mages AND All Priests

  • (2) 3% Potency, +675 Ability Modifier, 1% Doublecast Chance, 3% Ability Reuse Speed

NOTE: This set replaces and merges the following armor sets:

Daybreak Games
