What does this information mean?
Steps [ ]
Speak to Malisha Viranta near the jar ( -453, 15, 77 ) Copy /waypoint -453, 15, 77
Pick up the jar
Speak to Malisha again
Speak to Colonel Adolar ( -452, 10, 10 ) Copy /waypoint -452, 10, 10
Go in the area where the Wayward bandits are and steal the souls of 6 of them. This will work on multiples at the same time if you kill a group of them
Kill a bandit
Place the jar near the spirit
click the jar to open the lid
click the jar to pick it up, rinse and repeat
Return to Colonel Adolar
Return to Malisha to complete the quest
Rewards [ ]
Credits [ ]
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article.