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Awakened Scaleguard chain coif

Awakened Scaleguard chain coif

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Awakened Scaleguard chain coif
Item 2736
White Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
31 Primary Attributes 31 Stamina
12 Combat Skills
1.2% Crit Chance
0.3% Crit Bonus
1.7%  Potency
38 Ability Mod
Chain Armor (Head)
Mitigation 249
Level 66 (Tier 7)
All Scouts, Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Inquisitor, Templar, Defiler, Mystic
Obtain: see Armor Set description, below.

\aITEM -148181185 178377589:Awakened Scaleguard chain coif\/a \aITEM -148181185 178377589:Awakened Scaleguard chain coif\/a
What does this information mean?

Armor Set: Awakened Scaleguard chain

All pieces in this set have the same appearance and coloring.

There are no bonuses derived from wearing multiple members of this set.

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