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Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic

Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic

Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic equipped

Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic (Equipped)

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Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic
Item 625
White Adornment Slot White Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot Cyan Adornment Slot Cyan Adornment Slot 
7,460 Primary Attributes 12,834 Stamina
612,402 Health 384,854 Power
34.8% Haste
1067.4% Crit Chance
451 Weapon Damage
79,414.2%  Potency
900 Resolve
2984.8 Crit Bonus Overcap
Great Sword
Two-Handed Slashing
Damage 7276 - 10913     Two-Handed Slashing
Delay 6.0 seconds    (3031.52 Rating)
Level 125 (Tier 13)
Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Fury, Warden, Channeler, Beastlord
Obtain: From the Small Chest of Theliphon in Zimara Breadth.

\aITEM 239435823 -1815132028:Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic\/a \aITEM 239435823 -1815132028:Aviak Great Sword of Dichroic\/a
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