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Aviak Coif of Shaping

Aviak Coif of Shaping

Aviak Coif of Shaping worn

Aviak Coif of Shaping (Equipped)

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Aviak Coif of Shaping
Item 1541
White Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot 
3,170 Primary Attributes 5,454 Stamina
260,271 Health 163,563 Power
1,268.5% Crit Bonus
33,750.9%  Potency
450 Resolve
50.5 Ability Doublecast
Chain Armor (Head)
Mitigation 685
Level 125 (Tier 13)
All Scouts, Defiler, Mystic
Obtain: From the Small Chest of Blackbane in Splendor Sky Aerie.

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