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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar  (AA)
Introduced Rum Cellar Campaign
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Phantom Sea more
How to Start Speak with Groo at ( 723, 7, -399 ) Copy
part of: Shattered Seas Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Aerial Burial
Sidequest Exchange of Favors

What does this information mean?


  1. Brokenskull Zeppelin

    Brokenskull Zeppelin

    Obtain the help of the Brokenskull shaman, Charanda.
  2. Take the Brokenskull zeppelin close by in Phantom Sea to Brokenskull Rock in Moors of Ykesha.
    • Note: All of the Pirates on Brokenskull Rock are aggressive L80+ Heroics, so plan accordingly before arrival.
    • On a related note; thoroughly & repeatedly cleaning out all pirates on Brokenskull Rock is the fastest and best way to gain positive faction at the same time with the three main factions within the Moors; Survival Accord, Guktan Guard, and Clan Grobb.
  3. Speak with Charanda-1806, -960, 2779 ) Copy in Moors of Ykesha.
  4. Speak with Charanda at ( 749, 8, -406 ) Copy in Phantom Sea.
  5. Kill the Far Seas Rum Master Portia Rumuffin in F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar (Solo).
    • Note: the Rum Cellar is a actual Solo Zone, 1 player max. If done right little fighting is needed.
  6. Find Kildiun.
  1. Travel to the Lift to Highhold-109, -160, -65 ) Copy and go to the Stocks Ledge at the top.
  2. Stay on the rocks at the edge so the guards won't see you. When you near the doorway, wait for both guards to fall asleep.
    • It's also possible to kill the pair of guards, so long as you aren't spotted by the roving Captain.
  3. Go through the Store Room and Keg Storage to the southwest. Each has wandering guards that you must watch until they're well past, then dash to the next corridor.
  1. Speak to Kildiun in the Chow Hall-186, -71, 110 ) Copy and complete his three quests:
  2. Return to the bottom (jump or take the Lift to Highhold).
  3. Go to the Lift to Fermentation Tanks95, -160, 163 ) Copy and take the lift to the top of The Fermentation Field99, -124, 169 ) Copy.
  4. Move all four of the explosive barrels to below the "northernmost tank", marked by a ghostly green barrel ( 118, -124, 169 ) Copy then right-click one of the barrels to set the charges.
  5. After it blows, grab the F.S. grappling bow from a deceased sage114, -124, 156 ) Copy.
  6. Click the tank at ( 90, -124, 183 ) Copy.
    • NOTE: Collect Rum Bottle ( 86, -87, 190 ) Copy NOW last chance to get up here!
  7. Equip the bow, and then click the glowing spot on the top of the tank ( 80, -87, 186 ) Copy to fire the grappling hook, then click the rope to zipline across.
    • Note: 03/1/2016 F.S. grappling bow is now appearance only. May want to re-equip any displaced appearance Pri/Sec/Ranged appearance items at this point.
  8. Enter the Office of the Rum Master and kill Portia Rumuffin.
    1. Attack Portia until she goes to the liquor cabinet. She will pick a bottle and make a statement that starts with Portia Rumuffin takes a swig in honor of ...
      • When you first enter the room, locate the six named bottles of rum.
    2. The keywords are in Portia's emote when she drinks. You must click the correct bottle after each emote in order to make Portia vulnerable to attack. If you miss, Portia gains a powerful buff.
      • "Homeland": Click the bottle of Rivervale Reserve-41, -96, 108 ) Copy (to the right of the door on a crate).
      • "More fortunate": Click the bottle of Pirate's Lucky Break-34, -96, 105 ) Copy (to the left of the door on a crate).
      • "Ship": Click the bottle of Seafaring Lady 1154-47, -96, 81 ) Copy (on the desk).
      • "Company": Click the bottle of F.S.T.C. Limited Edition-44, -96, 74 ) Copy (left front corner of crate behind the desk).
      • "Dock": Click the bottle of Kithicor Island Estate-35, -97, 101 ) Copy (bottom of the bookshelf near the front door).
      • "Jesters and Pranksters": Click the bottle of Fool's Royal Cask-53, -96, 81 ) Copy (middle of the bookshelf near the desk).


  • You now have the option to take the quest Aerial Burial to kill Nibbles.

