Defeat The Sambata Mutant at ( -556, 34, 764 ) Copy/waypoint -556, 34, 764
Forelon Shadow Empowerment III (Resolve 3865, Avoidances etc.)
Figth at least 16m range, as The Samabta Mutant has an damage AE.
During the fight The Samabta Mutant portes sometimes back to its spawn location and gets rooted for ~10sec.
At 35% HP The Samabta Mutant creates an impact-circle-area with an heavy damage AE. To prevent switch fight location. Have 3 - 4 locations.
During the fight a Mutagenic Reishi (agro) and a reishi schreeker spawns (non-agro). If you defeat one of them next to each other the raid-pary wipes. So you have to splitt them and defeat them seperated (e.g. one group fokuses/takes care of the mutagenic reishi, pull it out of the fight while the raidforce defeat the reishi shreeker beside the boss)
Defeat The Stonegrabber Colossus at ( -313, 4, -227 ) Copy/waypoint -313, 4, -227
Forelon Shadow Empowerment III (Resolve 3865, Avoidances etc.)
Akhevan Influence
Surge: Bolder Pound (uncureable detremental-effect during the fight dealing pysical damage over time.)
During fight a "bolder"-attack is incomming. This income is slow and has a static impactlocation. So move to a differenc location and continue fight.
During the fight 10 balls are spawning and The Stonegrabber Colossus gets, based of the count of that balls, increments of the Prismatic Shield effect. You have to click at least 6 of them (each click must be done by a differenct member of the raid). If you are to slow: raid wipes.
Defeat Dark Xius Lord at ( 769, 494, 227 ) Copy/waypoint 769, 494, 227
Forelon Shadow Empowerment III (Resolve 3865, Avoidances etc.)
Feeding From the Shadows (uncureable, but cancle-able detremental-effect during the fight; DOT while damage is growing over)
Surge: Cloaked Touch (uncureable detremental-effect during the fight dealing noxious damage over time)
Every raid-member get every 10 sec (?) the detremental Feeding From the Shadows (red icon). You have to right-click it and cancle careful as sometimes you will accidantally hide the effect and not cancel it...then you can use a makro like "/hidde_effects delete 769494227"...
Figth at least - if possible at 16m or more to brevent damage AE
During the fight everybody has to right-click the boss to get 10 shred of its coat. Have a hot-key of this (stack of) item to cure yourself if you get curesed by Cloaked in Shadows. Warning: As you rip of you shreds the damageoutput is increased for a while by increments of the Enraged! effect (for each shred-ripper one increment). So do this group by group and have a break between ripping sothat the damageoutput can become normal again.
During the fight there will be phases where a "storm" is forcing you to the boss. You can run away, but it will become harder and harder und finaly you die next to the boss. So try to get stuck behind one of the fire bowls until the "storm" is over.
Use the bug at [information needed] to travel to the last bosses...or swim.
Forelon Shadow Empowerment III (Resolve 3935, Avoidances etc.)
Surge: Shadow Stare (pysical DOT, uncureable)
Disconcerting Leech (HP drain, which heals Eom Va Liako Vess more and more if not cured)
Drown in Shadows
Hastened Reactions (poison based damage, can and will triggers effects)
Note: As it looks like this encounter is broken, so Tank'n spank
During the figth everybody at a range below then 19m gets regualarly (30sec?) get cursed by Disconcerting Leech. Cure asap as it will heal Eom Va Liako Vess; can be cured also by groupcure/raid-wide-cure.