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EverQuest II Adornment Information
Aura of Wisdom
Item 3865
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 100. Status bonuses granted by the server are not included on items sold to merchants.
Adds the following to an item:

Aura of Wisdom

Item Type Primary,  Secondary,  Ranged
Slot Type Red Adornment Slot
Level 123 (Tier 13)
  • When Equipped:
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell has a 8% chance to cast Gleam of Wisdom on caster. Lasts for 42.0 seconds. This effect normalizes based off of a three second triggering event.
      • Increases power of caster by 53 instantly and every 3 seconds.
      • Increases WIS of caster by 5,450.0.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 48.0 - 60.0 seconds.

\aITEM -1918490758 2066218958:Aura of Wisdom\/a \aITEM -1918490758 2066218958:Aura of Wisdom\/a

Daybreak Games
