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August Withered Lands and Makers Hands

August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands

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August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands
Category: Tradeskills

Subcategory: Year of Darkpaw

Complete the Withered Lands and Cobalt Scar tradeskill lines

Totemic Reinforcement

A Helping Hand in Cobalt Scar

Year of Darkpaw Doubloon

\aACH 785924636:August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands\/a \aACH 785924636:August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands\/a

Year of Darkpaw Logo This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the Year of Darkpaw celebration. Year of Darkpaw in Norrath is in the year 2024.

Daybreak Games
