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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced LU60
Journal Level 90 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thurgadin, City of the Coldain more
How to Start Speak with Mergus Stonesledge in The Temple of Brell
part of: Destiny of Velious Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Blessing the Bit
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Travel to The Fortress of Drunder, off of the Eastern Wastes. At this point, you may need a reminder: From Thurgardin dock, take the griffin to Eastern Wastes, then again take the griffin to Kael, (griffin to Cavern of Living Stone seems closer to me) then you must fly up to Drunder. If you're low level adventurer, watch out for the giants guarding the entrance to Kael, otherwise you're safe in the air.
  2. Talk to Brontis.
  3. Talk to Montis.


  • At least 60g 50s 55c
  • After completing this quest, Brontis will sell you some unique crafting recipes as follows (note that these are heirloom and you may buy them for your other characters):

Relics of drunder Runed guidstone of planar repurposing Ancient armor of warSupplying the armies of war symbols of warSupplying the armies of war sagely gorgetsSupplying the armies of war alchemical signet rings of warSuppling the armires of war feeding the armies of warSupplying the armies of war weaponrySupplying the armies of war SwordbeltsSupplying the armies of war bladturning cloaksSupply armies of war shields pouches and bowsSuppling_the_armies_of_war_warborne_bangles
