What does this information mean?
pre req[]
This quest is not available until:
- Speak to Bloodmoon at ( -96, 50, 96 ) Copy/waypoint -96, 50, 96.
- Defeat him and you'll receive The Horn of Ancient Howls.
- Return and speak to Duskrender.
- Speak to Hildan at ( 230, 86, 51 ) Copy/waypoint 230, 86, 51.
- Get a leaf from an obol dreadleaf (uncommon auto-update).
- Return to Hildan.
- Click the flames on the table by Hildan to receive A Vial of Ethereal Fire.
- Go to the monument west of the camp at ( 806, 82, 50 ) Copy/waypoint 806, 82, 50.
- Throw the vial onto the shrine by clicking the statue. Click it again to destroy the horn.
- Kill the worshippers that attack.
- Return to Duskrender to complete the quest.
- At least 1p 30g
- One of the following, depending on class:
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article.