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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Obol Plains  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obol Plains more
How to Start Duskrender
part of: Obol Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Ascension of a God
Lujien, not Lycan
Followed by:

What does this information mean?

pre req[]

This quest is not available until:


Destroy the shrine


  1. Speak to Bloodmoon at ( -96, 50, 96 ) Copy.
  2. Defeat him and you'll receive The Horn of Ancient Howls.
  3. Return and speak to Duskrender.
  4. Speak to Hildan at ( 230, 86, 51 ) Copy.
  5. Get a leaf from an obol dreadleaf (uncommon auto-update).
  6. Return to Hildan.
  7. Click the flames on the table by Hildan to receive A Vial of Ethereal Fire.
  8. Go to the monument west of the camp at ( 806, 82, 50 ) Copy.
  9. Throw the vial onto the shrine by clicking the statue. Click it again to destroy the horn.
  10. Kill the worshippers that attack.
  11. Return to Duskrender to complete the quest.



