Zone in to the City of Shar Vahl using the gate at ( -540, 161, -752 ) Copy/waypoint -539.69, 160.83, -751.71. Within the city, the entrance is a sewer grate at ( -136, 31, 242 ) Copy/waypoint -136, 31, 242.
Note: You are not required to kill any nameds in order to update this quest. If you prefer, you can proceed directly to The Desolate Grounds ( 377, 18, -551 ) Copy/waypoint 377, 18, -551.
Fight Ka Vethan xakras and weaken them to 40% health, then use the Va Urssan to reform them in Death's Fingers ( 546, 17, -370 ) Copy/waypoint 546.22, 17.40, -369.74. You will need 5 in total. Some general locations:
( 587, 15, -685 ) Copy/waypoint 587, 15, -685
( 599, 21, -506 ) Copy/waypoint 599, 21, -506
( 484, 21, -519 ) Copy/waypoint 484, 21, -519
( 518, 15, -385 ) Copy/waypoint 518, 15, -385
These have a decent amount of HP so don't be afraid of laying into them. Even if you get them to 0 Health, they will regen.
Tips : to reduce drastically your fight time, drag them into the static fields, do a few hits them drag them out and voila ! Alternately, dispel them. Same result.
Return to Ne'xath in Shadeweaver's Thicket ( -202, 61, 106 ) Copy/waypoint -202, 61, 106.