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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Level Range 100
Zone in from Thalumbra, the Ever Deep
Entrance is at

at ( -62, 15, 160 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Raid x4
Persistence 1h30min - 3days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?

  • Strategy
  • Shanaira Powermonger: Burn it down.
  • Botanist Heridal: Burn him down. Might need to kill the plants he spawns around room.
  • Guardian of Arc: Can be burned down if fast enough DPS; otherwise need people in each room to do the towers when he emotes or wipe happens.
  • Memory of the Stolen: Burn it down
  • Amalgams of Order/Chaos: Need good and evil tanks for each one. Chaos takes sk,bruiser,beserker other side takes pally, monk, guardian. Need to keep em separated until one is dead anyone who isnt a tank will get death touched so maintain aggro.
  • Shanaira the Prestigious(click statue at main room to summon): Requires all 4 ascension classes to do specific ascension combos when emoted, but can be burned down with huge dps before it emotes and wipes. Hp was reported at 91 trillion(might be 9.1? unconfirmed) with 13k combat mit. Need atleast 6 people with dps over 100bil