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Arcane Umbra Gravel

Arcane Umbra Gravel

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EverQuest II Item Information
Arcane Umbra Gravel
Item 3426
A pile of umbra gravel sparking with residual arcane energy.
Obtain: From the corpse of elementals in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep.

\aITEM 1529988565 700362106:Arcane Umbra Gravel\/a \aITEM 1529988565 700362106:Arcane Umbra Gravel\/a
What does this information mean?


This looted item is used to craft building blocks (house items) from the special recipe book, Building on Sundered Ground.

Prelude Event[]

During the 2015 prelude event, Sundered Ground, an Investigation for The Spurned or Sundered Ground, an Investigation for the Order of Arcane this item was used to purchase Malice Bauble items from:

  • For good-aligned characters: Aldaelon Rootbed in Kelethin Good alignment
  • For evil-aligned characters: Omarin T'Zaana - note a bug may make it difficult to find this NPC using the normal /hail function; the guard may shrug
Daybreak Games
