EverQuest 2 Wiki
Antonica Timeline
Recommended Levels 10 to 20
Introduced: Shattered Lands
Difficulty: Solo
Starts in: Antonica
Preceded by: Qeynos Outlying Areas Timeline
Followed by: Thundering Steppes Timeline
Side Timelines: Qeynos Catacombs Timeline

Blackburrow Timeline

  • This is a master quest list that excludes any holiday/event related quests.
  • All quests listed here, unless noted, can be started and completed as of January 2018.
  • NOTE: Always start book quests before you begin killing everything!!!

It is recommended that the adventurer first explore Qeynos as well as complete the Qeynos Outlying Areas Timeline to better understand the themes surrounding Antonica. At the conclusion of the Qeynos Outlying Areas Timeline the player receives a unique quest that connects the two timelines: A Note from the Qeynos Quartermaster. However, if the adventurer prefers to dive head first into Antonica, then start at the gate leading out from North Qeynos and head east towards Frontier Farm, picking up every available quest along the way.

Antonica has a massive web of quests and as such the timeline is broken into POIs that can be used as reference points. It is most efficient to work on as many quests as possible at the same time. While questing, the adventurer should make sure to keep a vigilant eye on their map as to not miss any quests away from familiar POIs; if ever lost, use this timeline for redirection. Also, do not let the greenery of Antonica fool you, the wildlife is vicious and unforgiving, gnolls are a constant threat, and remnants of the War of Plagues haunt her darkened corners.

Heading East From North Qeynos Gate[]

Knight-Lieutenant Alesso at ( 180, -20, -14 ) Copy

Farmer Walcott at ( -101, -19, 47 ) Copy

Captain Eitoa at ( 28, -17, -32 ) Copy

  1. [15] The Keep of the Ardent Needle
  2. [18] Gnoll Report
  3. [26] A Captain's Communique: Eitoa to Sturman
  4. [30] Outland Brigade Reports

Frontier Farm[]

Matsy Rollingpin at ( -730, 0, 240 ) Copy

  1. [11] Achoo - Antonican Pepper
  2. [13] Blub Blub Something Smells Fishy
  3. [10] Killing With Kindness, One Barbarian at a Time
  4. [10] Care Package for Blarton
  5. [13] Spicy Meat Pie
  6. [18] Mail Delivery for Matsy - leads to Thundering Steppes Timeline

Haddek Vimki at ( -730, 0, 240 ) Copy

  1. [10] Running Out Of Beer
  2. [12] Ouch! My Head
  3. [15] Rise and Shine Wine
  4. [15] Practical Joke on Blarton

Landwyn Velamir at ( -730, -16, 240 ) Copy

  1. [10] Under a Shady Tree
  2. [13] A Bow for a Beauty
  3. [15] She Will Be A Shining Petal
  4. [16] Peppermints and Potions
  5. [15] Song to Prexus

Sighard Sayer at ( -727, -16, 236 ) Copy

  1. [18] Delivery From Sayer's Outfitters - must do Dancer's quests at Claymore Monument first
  2. [21] Vengeance for Marlea Sayer

Tanen Danos at ( -730, -11, 229 ) Copy

Coldwind Point and Greater Area[]

Quallium at ( 228, -21, 764 ) Copy

  1. [12] Once Upon an Isle Dreary
  2. [15] Visions of Coldwind Point

Flores at ( 143, -17, 224 ) Copy

Claymore Monument[]

Dancer at ( -468, 0, 537 ) Copy

  1. [15] A Frontierslady's Task
  2. [15] Battle with the Timberclaws

Ignar Steadirt at ( -440, 3, 549 ) Copy

Sir Jeager's Camp[]

Squire Kivan at ( -800, -13, 889 ) Copy

  1. [13] Getting the Axe
  2. [18] Sabertooth Battle Plans - from Sir Jeager at ( -801, -14, 897 ) Copy

Gnoll Investigation Series[]

This quest series is unavailable to characters of Evil-alignment.
Tyllia Navar at ( 33, -1, 668 ) Copy

  1. [13] Suspicious Activity
  2. [14] Qeynos Castaway's Isle
  3. [14] Gnoll Shipping Lanes
  4. [15] The Gnoll Cave
  5. [16] Report to Magnon
  6. [16] The Magic of the Cavemaw Grubs - from Magnon Baelvurn at ( -720, -22, -492 ) Copy
  7. [16] Lord Kylar's Problem
  8. [20] Rescue Revyl Kylar
  9. [16] Return to Magnon
  10. [17] Into the Cave
  11. [18] Report to Bulvar
  12. [17] Gnoll Leaders, Part I: Animator Z'Apha - from Bulvar Rakgam at ( -2114, -40, 435 ) Copy
  13. [18] Gnoll Leaders, Part II: Bra'ak the Reptile
  14. [18] Gnoll Leaders, Part III: Tactician Mengs
  15. [18] Gnoll Leaders, Part IV: Graalwen and Jayl'Krik
  16. [20] A Gnollish Trinket - dropped from the corpse(s) of the five named gnolls in the preceding quests

The Keep of the Gnollslayers[]

Sergeant Tillin at ( -2135, -46, 395 ) Copy

The Keep of the Ardent Needle[]

Cooper at ( -552, -12, -316 ) Copy

The Tower of the Oracles[]

Oracle Ulinara at ( -1032, 14, -629 ) Copy

Oracle Liandrin at (-1034, 15, -632)

Condemned Catacombs Timeline[]

Starts in the camp north of the Oracle tower past the baskalisks.

Windstalker Village[]

Blarton Blumble at ( -1830, 0, -540 ) Copy

  1. [15] Lucky Lure
  2. [18] Fishing Hole Hunt
  3. [15] The One That Got Away
  4. [18] Fishing for Bait

Hartok Woolyman at ( -1820, -37, -531 ) Copy

  1. [16] Patchwork Rugs
  2. [16] Door to Door Delivery
  3. [20] Attack of the Killer Bear - gives access to Shattered Vale solo instance
  4. [20] The Invasion of the Vale - examine a letter off the corpse of a Giantslayer messenger at ( -2210, -25, 165 ) Copy or ( -2223, -13, -12 ) Copy

This quest is unavailable for character of Evil-alignment. Daryann Stormrider at ( -1856, -38, -514 ) Copy

Licha at ( -1822, -37, -545 ) Copy

  1. [20] Sparkly or Nothing
  2. [20] A New Dress, NOW!
  3. [20] Licha, Dancing Queen
  4. [17] She Has Ribbons In Her Hair

Riason Hanagom at ( -1900, -30, -614 ) Copy

Evernight Cemetary[]

Rikantus at ( -1974, 9, 821 ) Copy

  1. [18] Scrawlings in the Dark - takes you to Blackburrow
  2. [27] The Trials of Sir Morgan (Quest) - takes you to The Thundering Steppes
  3. [32] The Hidden Riddle - takes you to the Ruins of Varsoon in The Thundering Steppes
  4. [35] Whispers of Fortune - takes you to Nektulos Forest

Shattered Vale[]

See: Shattered Vale Timeline

Dropped Quests[]

The following can be dropped by any monster in the zone:

The following have specific drop requirements:

Examined Quests[]

Book Quests[]

There are many Racial Exploration book quests that are entirely done or partly involve Antonica.

Other Quests[]

These quests involve Antonica, but are not necessarily part of the timeline.

Heritage Quests[]


Removed Quests[]
