What does this information mean?
- Gather 5 toxic glow toads ( -284, 191, 265 ) Copy/waypoint -283.64, 191.45, 264.85.
- You'll need to sneak up on the aggro toads (get within 20 meters), then simply right-click and select Gather Toxic Toad.
- Note: This quest and the one after it do not group update.
- Use the toad on crag gorgers along the Abyssal Overlook ( -212, 72, 111 ) Copy/waypoint -212.25, 71.71, 110.98.
- Wait by the toad until the gorger becomes non-aggro, then right-click on the gorger to collect it.
- Release the crag gorgers on the clickable metamorphic rock at ( -322, 232, 397 ) Copy/waypoint -322.24, 232.20, 396.96 .
- Retrieve the staff and then return to Thaneni.
- At least 1p 41g 75s 13,200 status
- Completing this quest gives +1000 faction with Zou'Lidelas
- One of the Following:
- Chain
- Cloth
- Leather
- Plate