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Ancient Ancestral Gloves

Ancient Ancestral Gloves

Ancient Ancestral Gloves (Equipped)

Ancient Ancestral Gloves (Equipped)

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Ancient Ancestral Gloves
Item 1708
White Adornment Slot 
19 Primary Attributes 19 Stamina
Combat Skills
0.2% Crit Chance
0.5%  Potency
11 Ability Mod
Glyph of Enlightenment
Plate Armor (Hands)
Mitigation 340
Level 50 (Tier 6)
Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Inquisitor, Templar

  • When Equipped:
    • When any damage is received this spell has a 5% chance to cast Tranquil Breeze on caster.
      • Increases power of target by 18.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
Obtain: From Lord Nagalik in Solusek's Eye.

\aITEM 1093498921 675710582:Ancient Ancestral Gloves\/a \aITEM 1093498921 675710582:Ancient Ancestral Gloves\/a
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