What does this information mean?
- Find a way to free Miyau by doing the following"
- Speak with a Ry'Gorr guard right next to Miyau. He tell's you that he is hungry and could eat a small mammoth.
- Kill a woolly mammoth calf near ( -37, -350, 3279 ) Copy/waypoint -37, -350, 3279 and loot Mammoth Calf Meat from the body.
- Return the a Ry'Gorr guard right next to Miyau and give him the Mammoth Calf Meat.
- Escort Miyau to Nipik's Haven ( -1206, -537, 3439 ) Copy/waypoint -1205.62, -536.56, 3439.05in Eastern Wastes.
- Speak with Miyau so she starts to follow you
- Run or fly to Nipik's Haven to update the quest
- Speak with Miyau at ( -1205, -536, 3442 ) Copy/waypoint -1205, -536, 3442 She can take up to 5 minutes to spawn, just wait for her.