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An Earthen Balm

An Earthen Balm

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
An Earthen Balm
Item 358
Apply Balm
Required by the Quest
'The Scrivener's Tale: Pollination Perfection'
Charges (1/1)
Casting 2.5 seconds
Recast 5 seconds
  • Applies Apply Balm when Activated.
    • This balm can cure or lessen the symptoms of strange planar illnesses.
Obtain: Artisan-crafted using a level 110 recipe from Recipe Scroll: Earthen Balm.

\aITEM -1292658176 1652625976:An Earthen Balm\/a \aITEM -1292658176 1652625976:An Earthen Balm\/a
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