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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Desert of Flames
Journal Level 55 (Tier 6)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Examine a piece of ancient parchment, a body drop from desert madmen, maniacs, lunatics, prophets, and Raja the Sunspeaker (who has the highest drop rate).
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak with Planetologist Ahkar in Maj'Dul. ( -150, 177, -124 ) Copy
  2. Speak to Harshaa in the Sinking Sands just north of the Twin Tears. ( -405, -155, -1331 ) Copy
  3. Kill the desert maniacs that spawn and attack you.
  4. Speak to Harshaa again once the madmen have been defeated.
  5. Slay The Prophet in the Sinking Sands, spawned by killing the four packs of desert lunatics around the altar at ( -651, -105, -514 ) Copy.
  6. Examine the altar.
  7. Speak to Harshaa again.
  8. Return to Planetologist Ahkar, who will direct you to recover some artifacts from the Samiel Pirates.
  9. Stow away on board the Samiel Pirate ship by hiding in a box in the Sinking Sands at ( -2164, -228, -24 ) Copy. This will zone you into the instance A Samiel Pirate Ship.
  10. Find the key you need by killing Lieutenant Kielmal.
  11. Open the chest aboard the ship and then use the ship's wheel to zone out to the docks in the Sinking Sands.
  12. Return to Planetologist Ahkar.
  13. Find more information about the Legend of Rahotep:
  14. Return to Planetologist Ahkar.
  15. Destroy the Legions of Rahotep. This is a group encounter: a tank and healer of at least level 60 is recommended for this group. There are approximately 24 level 55^, ^^ and ^^^ undead creatures, followed by Rahotep himself (55 Epic x2).
    • Begin the encounter by approaching ( -281, -139, -1171 ) Copy in the Sinking Sands.
    • When Rahotep's health reaches 50%, he will heal back to 100%
    • Warning: The Rahotep event will begin immediately when someone on that step of the quest nears the listed location. The event will despawn relatively quickly and the respawn time after failure is approximately 20 minutes.
  16. Return to Planetologist Ahkar to claim your reward!

