EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race treant

Race: Treant - to upload a more specific image, click JPG or PNG

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation (Shattered Lands)
Race Treant
Level 67▲▲▲ Tier 7 Epic x2
Location Center of the druid ring; all other bosses must be killed before he will turn aggressive.
Reported Drops
Related Quests

A Lordly Confrontation

AA Exp yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


This guy will summon several Heroic^^ to help him out once he has been engaged. At one point (before we wiped) we had eight or ten little treants nibbling away at all our priests. It is unclear whether the treants spawn as time passes or as the Ambassadors hp fall. Determining how to deal with the treant adds will win this fight.
