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EverQuest II Alternate Advancement Information
AAs » Shadowknight AAs » Shadowknight's Decay line
Alternate: Siphon Armament Rank (*/5)
Decay 1 point
Requires Enhance: Siphon Strength (Rank 3)
Enhance: Mortal Embrace (Rank3)
You draw upon the defenses of a fighter ally, effectively borrowing a portion of their mitigation.
Target Raid or Group Friend
Power Scales
Casting 1.0 second
Recast 2.0 seconds
Duration Until Canceled
Range Up to 35.0 meters
  • Decreases Mitigation of target vs. all physical damage by x (scales)
  • Increases Mitigation of caster vs. all physical damage by x
  • If Fighter


Alternate Advancement Ability Effects by Ability Rank
Effect Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
Target Mitigation Decrease 137 274 411 549 686
Caster Mitigation Increase 112 224 336 448 560
