This timeline gives the details of the collection quests introduced as part of the Altar of Malice expansion. These collections listed here are part of the overall list of collections available in EverQuest II, which are listed at Collection Quests Timeline.
The collections that are listed below are needed to get the Mithril Ring of Amplified Power ring.
Mithril Ring of Amplified Power
An overview of how the collections needed to obtain the charm are linked together can be viewed at Altar of Malice Collection Timeline/Summary.
This is a summary of the main hierarchy of collection quests added as part of the Altar of Malice expansion.
(1) There are fifteen shiny collections (numbers 1-15 below) completed from ground spawns in the Tranquil Sea outdoor zone. These allow the completion of the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection, and earn the Shield of the Tranquil Sea for the final collection.
(2) There are fifteen more shiny collections (numbers 16-30 below) completed from ground spawns in the Phantom Sea outdoor zone. These allow the completion of the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection, and earn the Shield of the Phantom Sea for the final collection.
(3) There are five shiny collections (numbers 31-35 below) completed from ground spawns in the AOM Advanced Solo zones. These allow the completion of the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection, and earn the Shattered Seas Medal for the final collection.
(4) There are five shiny collections (numbers 36-40 below) completed from ground spawns in the "Brokenskull Bay: Spoils of Maraud" contested zone. These allow the completion of the Ship Wheels meta-collection, and earn the Silk Stitched Hate's Fury Flag for the final collection.
(5) There are five more shiny collections (numbers 41-45 below) completed from ground spawns in the "Ossuary of Malevolence" contested zone. These allow the completion of the Ossuary Busts meta-collection, and earn the Bone Carved Bust of Lanys T'Vyl for the final collection.
(6) There are fifteen more shiny collections (numbers 46-60 below) completed from ground spawns in the various heroic zones. There are five groups of three collections each, and each group is obtained in the heroic zone(s) at a particular quest hub (the hubs being Brokenskull Bay, Zavith'loa, Ossuary of Malevolence, Castle Highhold and Ssraeshza Temple). These allow the completion of the Tales of Malice meta-collection, and earn the Tales of the Shattered Seas for the final collection.
These steps can be completed in any order.
Basic Collections[]
1. Foregone Artifacts (Quests 1-5: Tranquil Sea zone, Isle of Refuge)
- Garven's Registry
- Rivicea's Collection Box
- Caretaker Fairless's Wrench
- Slumlord Valthun's Dirty Bucket
- Ambassador Saera's Shiny Coin
- Ambassador T'Kirr's Copper Badge
- Reward Shield of Lobha (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Ebik's Cog Collection
- Cook Stubfoot's Stew Pot
- Quarter Master Brennar's Log
- Galen Crestrider's Mug
- Mannus' Tool Kit
- Ihean's Coin Pouch
- Reward Shield of Malvonicus (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Ingrid's Looking Glass
- Varlos' Gold Pen
- Duke Ferrin's Medal
- Xaliea's Poultice Bag
- Vladiminns' Bow
- Nathinia's Talisman
- Reward Shield of Saffron Coast (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Cantrie's Fishing Hook
- Deebo's Fishing Pole
- Dovin's Merchant Sack
- Gerrin's Pocket Watch
- Valik's Map Book
- Anikra's Doll
- Reward Shield of Refuge (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- V'Raen's Visor
- Bogtooth's Breastplate
- Mizmozzle's Mace
- Ssilith's Sword
- Tanglor's Tower Shield
- Tugar's Trench Knife
- Reward Shield of Death's Doorway (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
6. Death Weave Flora (Quests 6-10: Tranquil Sea zone, Death Weave Isle)
- Blood Amaryllis
- Poison Gardenias
- Ruby Lotus
- Baneful Bird of Paradise
- Sacred Calla Lily
- Heliconias
- Reward Shield of Death Weave (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Tribal Totem
- Shaman Spear
- Wind Talisman
- Earth Talisman
- Water Talisman
- Spider Effigy
- Reward Shield of Gorir (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Ruby Emperor Eye
- Ruby Emperor Leg
- Ruby Emperor Antenna
- Ruby Emperor Wing
- Ruby Emperor Carapace
- Ruby Emperor Mandible
- Reward Shield of Forbidden Cove (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Eye of the Lost
- Soul of the Lost
- Intellect of the Lost
- Mind of the Lost
- Concept of the Lost
- Silence of the Lost
- Reward Shield of Lost Khorr (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
10. Waters So Sacred
- Bead of Sacred Water
- Emerald Dewdrop
- Blue Dewdrop
- Bead of Revered Water
- Clear Dewdrop
- Bead of Divine Water
- Reward Shield of Three Sacred Sisters (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
11. Ancient Animals (Quests 11-15: Tranquil Sea zone, South Dshinn Isle)
- Ipsumodon Spirit Totem
- Apatodon Spirit Totem
- Aragodon Spirit Totem
- Pterodon Spirit Totem
- Cerodon Spirit Totem
- Stegodon Spirit Totem
- Reward Shield of Merinep (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
12. Grim Grimlings
- Agitated Spear
- Aggravated Mace
- Frantic Dagger
- Covetous Sword
- Avaricious Lance
- Acquistive Hammer
- Reward Shield of Karrabukk (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
13. Reptilian Relics
- Spinemaster's Crusher
- Ambusher's Net
- Bowmaster's Line
- Woundbreaker's Talisman
- Boneshadow's Knife
- Lavalescent's Shield
- Reward Shield of Gura-Gura (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Bawck Gib Gua
- Jaf Mung Tah
- Txua Vov Zaunk
- Arf Ghav Keff
- Kian Mraaww
- Baj Wooah
- Reward Shield of South Dshin (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Zedj's Tribal Spear
- Yurwri's Poultice
- Starque's Saddle
- Lagni's Pickle Jar
- Kowli's Harpoon
- Finze's Wisdom Staff
- Reward Shield of Bawgava (for the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
16. Bad Juju (Quests 16-20: Phantom Sea zone, North Dshinn Isle)
- Talisman of Claw
- Talisman of Dirt
- Talisman of Darkness
- Talisman of Blood
- Talisman of Flesh
- Talisman of Tooth
- Reward Shield of Charnel Grove (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Erollisian Cinnamon
- Zekian Black Pepper
- Kunarkian Cardamom
- Karanian Ginger
- Ykeshan Tumeric
- Faydwerian Cassia
- Reward Shield of Highpass (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
18. Igneous Ideal
- Orange Scapolite
- Violet Sodalite
- Yellow Peridot
- Rainbow Labradorite
- Azure Hauyne
- Golden Datolite
- Reward Shield of Blessed Knoll (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Flag of Ferrin
- Flag of the Far Shore
- Flag of the Far Talon
- Flag of the Far Journey
- Flag of the Far Dawn
- Flag of Greymast
- Reward Shield of Stillwater Bridge (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Aragodon Vertebrae
- Cerodon Skull
- Pterodon Metacarpal
- Apatodon Carpal
- Stegodon Tibia
- Ipsumodon Femur
- Reward Shield of North Dshinn (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
21. Ancient Kithicor Artifacts (Quests 21-25: Phantom Sea zone, Kithicor Isle)
- Dagger of the Jewelborn
- Cape of the Cloaked Figure
- Gull’s Mirror
- Farondi’s Sword
- Cathil’s Whiskey Flask
- Shadowbane’s Bow
- Reward Shield of Kithicor (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Greyeagle’s Pouch
- Blackguard’s Ring
- Tarburner’s Comb
- Rossook’s Pipe
- Whistlewood’s Cameo
- Greenbane’s Bracelet
- Reward Shield of Castle Highhold (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
23. Ghorkaal Relics
- Boots of the Deathweaver
- Staff of the Cursespinner
- Blade of the Necromancer
- Etched Helm of the Deathweaver
- Robes of the Cursespinner
- Dagger of the Poisonspinner
- Reward Shield of Ghorkaal (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Ivy Etched Pinyon
- Wonderer's Knot Pinyon
- Highpass Pine Cone
- Kithicor Pinyon
- Blessed Knoll Pine Cone
- Ghorkaal Pine Cone
- Reward Shield of Peril Point (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Talisman of the Flesh Stripper
- Mace of Dark Obscenity
- Helm of Disembodied Spirit
- Ring of Imbued Blood
- Blood Inquisitor's Dagger
- Primordial Talisman
- Reward Shield of Ossuary of Malevolence (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
26. Akhevan Antiquity (Quests 26-30: Phantom Sea zone, Grim Shales Isle)
- Helm of the Torgarath
- Symbol of Diabo Xin Thall
- Ring of Diabo Rentha
- Effigy of Aten Ha Ra
- Blade of the Liako
- Mask of the Senshali
- Reward Shield of Grim Shales (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
27. Deadly Plants
- Kithicor Castor Bean
- Tranquil Oleander
- Dark Snakeroot
- Purple Bladderwort
- Dshinn Hemlock
- Phantom Monks Hood
- Reward Shield of Bloody Battlegrounds (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
28. Grimling Glamour
- Skullsmasher’s Bash
- Spiritchanter’s Devouring
- Skullsmasher’s Might
- Spellsplitter’s Force
- Spiritchanter’s Madness
- Spellsplitter’s Inferno
- Reward Shield of Blackwall (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Painted Fern
- Maiden's Hair Fern
- Nest Fern
- Cinnamon Fern
- Shale Tree Fern
- Holly Fern
- Reward Shield of Gazanti (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Scale of Korazhk
- Scale of Ssraeshza
- Scale of Ssravish
- Scale of Zherozsh
- Scale of Zhesz
- Scale of RhagZadune
- Reward Shield of Sshraeshza (for the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
31. Shiver Me Timbers (Quests 31-35: Advanced Solo Instances)
- Deckhand Gronk's Grog
- Captain Nayate's Hat
- Deckhand Smalls' Boots
- Vasril's Rapier
- Beggar Jonsey's cup
- Mildred Saggybottoms' Pantaloons
- Forgemaster Belum's Hammer
- Poochy's Collar
- Spotter Ratigan's Eye Glass
- Brawlin Bones' Cigar
- Jailer Krentis Van'Tesen's Keys
- Gwarr Venomfang's Eye
- Cannonball Yenkins' Cannonball
- Railmaster Junres' Wrench
- Alchemist Flera Von'tis' Flask
- Reward Brokenskull Bay Medal (for the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection)
- Unatu's Stone Hammer
- Poxrata's Wand
- Brudu's Dagger
- Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune's Scepter
- Grudu's Sword
- The Earthen Behemoth's Fist
- Rhag'Yalzzen's Signet Ring
- Valthsis' Battle Sword
- Rhag'Vozgath's Talisman
- Kavis Set'Ra's Ebon Mace
- Kesa'Tra Xon'Xiu's Iron Battleaxe
- Kavis Sha Ra's Pauldron
- Kessatras Sonssiu's Monocle
- Pov Xin'Kaas' Club
- Stonefang's Tail
- Reward Ssraeszha Medal (for the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection)
33. A Persons House is Their Castle
- Zom Xakra'Kass' Silken Shoes
- Zona Centi'Kass' Evil Robes
- Insider Pinboggle's Doohickey
- Sa'Dax Senhali's Cloak
- Woglok's Shiny Knife
- Shograh's Robes
- Va Tak Telaris' Ebon Claw
- Insider T'Shal's Notes
- Sevien Ka'Lal's Bracer
- Thresinel's Jeweled Wand
- Kladnog Shralok's Bone Hammer
- Gudre Blackhand's Dark Scimitar
- Qworux's Royal Helm
- Tulonk Shralok's Glowing Eye
- Vexven Mucktail's Spirit Essence
- Reward Castle Highhold Medal (for the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection)
34. Mushrooms and Deinodons and Lizards, Oh My!
- Huntmaster Au'mari's Feathered Spear
- Gra'ta the Mountain's Toe
- The Swamp Mother's Tooth
- Mo'iana the Ravenous' Eye
- Beastmaster Kau'mua's Mace
- Sharptooth's Ear
- Defender Honu's Dagger
- Lavacrafter Peleaina's Talisman
- Pterotrainer Yu'lua's Net
- Scytheclaw's Fang
- Obsidian Warrior Koa's Blade
- Littlefoot's Hide
- High Priest Hamanu'akaloa's Scepter
- The Unnamed Hunter's Ring
- Fiery Effigy of Clotl'thoa
- Reward Zavith’loa Medal (for the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection)
- Prime Inquisitor Darkthrall's Flail
- Bonestorm's Shards
- Herreo Cibum's Claw
- Byushin's Dagger
- Trakex's Torture Tools
- Marrowbore's Mandibles
- Tim and Tom's Helmets
- Koron K'Lel's Baton
- Ostiophobe's Carapace
- Eternal Watcher's Wing
- Ossiatic's Scourge
- Malum Mortem's Blood
- Rancor Cruor's Fist
- Bloodhag's Poultice
- Phasma Destler's Song
- Reward Ossuary of Malevolence Medal (for the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection)
36. Brokenskull Earrings (Quests 36-40: Brokenskull Bay: Spoils of Maraud (Contested))
- Morin's Silver Stud
- Drunkard'Earring
- Swabby's Iron Stud
- Krasnok's Earring
- Barins Silver Hoop
- Draggerhearts Hoop
- Reward Queen's Revenge (for the Ship Wheels meta-collection)
- Golden Silversmith Button
- Silver Swirl Button
- Golden Shank Button
- Bone-Carved Pants Button
- Silver Shank Button
- Bone-Carved Vest Button
- Reward Loyal Swabby (for the Ship Wheels meta-collection)
- Captain’s Hat
- First Mate’s Hat
- Boatswain’s Hat
- Lieutenant’s Hat
- Gunner’s Hat
- Quartermaster’s Hat
- Reward Royal Opulence (for the Ship Wheels meta-collection)
- Rusted Backstay
- Jib Sheet
- Skull Adorned Anchor
- Bronze Cringle
- Tattered Bolt Rope
- Wooden Block
- Reward Golden Trinity (for the Ship Wheels meta-collection)
40. Treasure Maps
- Half Treasure Map
- Wet Treasure Map
- Leather Treasure Map
- Torn Treasure Map
- Burnt Treasure Map
- Folded Treasure Map
- Reward Norrath's Galley (for the Ship Wheels meta-collection)
41. Ossuary Chasuble (Quests 41-45: Ossuary of Malevolence (Contested))
- Chasuble of the Inquisitor
- Chasuble of the Bloodpriest
- Chasuble of the Unproven
- Chasuble of the Prime Inquisitor
- Chasuble of the Bonesummoner
- Chasuble of the Bonecaster
- Reward Bust of Virtuoso Edgar V'Zann (for the Ossuary Busts meta-collection)
- Zealot’s Medallion
- Bonecaster’s Medallion
- Devotee’s Medallion
- Persecutor’s Medallion
- Torturer’s Medallion
- Worshiper’s Medallion
- Reward Bust of Villandre V'Zher (for the Ossuary Busts meta-collection)
43. Ossuary Skulls
- Polished Sarnak Skull
- Polished Erudite Skull
- Polished Ogre Skull
- Polished Gnome Skull
- Polished Wood Elf Skull
- Polished Dwarf Skull
- Reward Bust of Prime Ritualist Darkthrall (for the Ossuary Busts meta-collection)
- Carved Wood Statuette
- Carved Obsidian Statuette
- Carved Stone Statuette
- Carved Glass Statuette
- Carved Bone Statuette
- Carved Ivory Statuette
- Reward Bust of Tserrina Syl'tor (for the Ossuary Busts meta-collection)
- Etched Golden Pyx
- Wooden Carved Pyx
- Etched Silver Pyx
- Etched Mithril Pyx
- Skull Shaped Pyx
- Etched Bronze Pyx
- Reward Bust of Ritual Keeper V'derin (for the Ossuary Busts meta-collection)
46. Brokenskull Bites (Quests 46-48: Brokenskull Bay (Heroic))
- Hardtack
- Moldy Cheese
- Pickled Roots
- Bone Soup
- Salted Beef
- Salted Pork
- Reward Tales of Brokenskull Bay (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
- Bumboo
- Grog
- Rumfustian
- Dark Rum
- Sangaree
- Flip
- Reward Tales of Captain Krasnok (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
- Silver Ferrin
- Gold Doubloon
- Gold Escudo
- Gold Reale
- Silver Escudo
- Silver Reale
- Reward Tales of the Hate's Fury (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
49. Zavith'loa Allu'thoa Idols (Quests 49-51: Zavith'loa (Heroic))
- Basalt Clotl’thoa idol
- Obsidion Clotl’thoa idol
- Slate Clotl’thoa idol
- Granite Clotl’thoa idol
- Norite Clotl’thoa idol
- Pumice Clotl’thoa idol
- Reward Tales of the Allu’thoa (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
- Blue Cohosh
- Arching Caladium
- Emerald Pokeroot
- Ruby Datura
- Fiery Yellow Bell
- Azure Foxglove
- Reward Tales of the Deinodons (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
- Ivory Funnel
- Purple Webcap
- Black Trumpet
- Deadly Dapperling
- Crimson Ergot
- Death Cap
- Reward Tales of Zavith’loa (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
52. Blood Stained Objects (Quests 52-54: Ossuary of Malevolence (Heroic))
- Blood Stained Dagger
- Blood Stained Book
- Blood Stained Mace
- Blood Stained Robes
- Blood Stained Gloves
- Blood Stained Scalpel
- Reward Tales of Villandre V'Zher (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
53. Flesh Scraps
- Charred Flesh Scrap
- Serrated Flesh Scrap
- Ripped Flesh Scrap
- Rotten Flesh Scrap
- Bloody Flesh Scrap
- Punctured Flesh Scrap
- Reward Tales of the Ossuary of Malevolence (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
54. Torture Tools
- Knee Splitter
- Bone Saw
- Thumbscrews
- Flesh Ripper
- Heretics Fork
- Primordial Tickler
- Reward Tales of Tserrina Syl'tor (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
55. Shralok Shreds (Quests 55-57: Castle Highhold (Heroic))
- Shralok Finger Bone
- Shralok Heel Bone
- Shralok Ankle Bone
- Shralok Arm Bone
- Shralok Toe Bone
- Shralok Leg Bone
- Reward Tales of Castle Highhold (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
56. Urzarach Weapons
- Fist of the Bleederach
- Pike of the Sorcerach
- Staff of the Sorcerach
- Club of the Enforcerach
- Blade of the Bleederach
- Mace of the Enforcerach
- Reward Tales of Jaestin Ferrin (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
57. Whiz-Bangs
- Grevog’s Flail
- Zebrun’s Cuirass
- Grethah’s Scepter
- Zebrun’s Helm
- Grevog’s Fire
- Grethah’s Wand
- Reward Tales of the Far Seas Trading Company (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
58. Akhevan Runes (Quests 58-60: Ssraeshza Temple (Heroic))
- Zov Centien
- Zov Va Dyn
- Zov Liako
- Zov Thall
- Zov Senshali
- Zov Va Liako
- Reward Tales of the Ssraeshza Temple (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
- Shissar Wisdom Idol
- Shissar Earth Idol
- Shissar Strength Idol
- Akhevan Idol
- Akhevan Diabo Idol
- Stonecutter’s Idol
- Reward Tales of the Shissar (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
60. Shissar Tools
- Stonecutter’s Knife
- Leather Straps
- Stonecutter’s Hammer
- Quarry Axe
- Quarry Pick
- Ebon Chisel
- Reward: Tales of the Grimlings (for the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
Shields of Tranquil Sea (Items obtained by completing collections 1-15 above)
- Shield of Refuge (from the Remnants of Refuge collection)
- Shield of South Dshinn (from the Scrubby Little Symbols collection)
- Shield of Malvonicus (from the Fragments of Island Folk collection)
- Shield of Gorir (from the Relics of the Lost collection)
- Shield of Bawgava (from the Tokens from the Tiny collection)
- Shield of Death Weave (from the Death Weave Flora collection)
- Shield of Merinep (from the Ancient Animals collection)
- Shield of Gura-Gura (from the Reptilian Relics collection)
- Shield of Lost Khorr (from the Urzarach Chaos collection)
- Shield of Forbidden Cove (from the The Ruby Emperor collection)
- Shield of Karrabukk (from the Grim Grimlings collection)
- Shield of Three Sacred Sisters (from the Waters So Sacred collection)
- Shield of Lobha (from the Foregone Artifacts collection)
- Shield of Death's Doorway (from the Shreds of the Past collection)
- Shield of Saffron Coast (from the Heirlooms of Heroes Past collection)
- Reward: Shield of the Tranquil Sea (for the Triumphs of Shattered Seas final meta-collection)
Shields of Phantom Sea (Items obtained by completing collections 16-30 above)
- Shield of Gazanti (from the Grim Shales Ferns collection)
- Shield of North Dshinn (from the Old-Fashioned Ossein collection)
- Shield of Grim Shales (from the Akhevan Antiquity collection)
- Shield of Blackwall (from the Grimling Glamour collection)
- Shield of Blessed Knoll (from the Igneous Ideal collection)
- Shield of Highpass (from the Far Seas Seasoning collection)
- Shield of Sshraeshza (from the Scaly Superstition collection)
- Shield of Ossuary of Malevolence (from the Objects of Malice collection)
- Shield of Stillwater Bridge (from the Official Oriflamme collection)
- Shield of Bloody Battlegrounds (from the Deadly Plants collection)
- Shield of Castle Highhold (from the Castle Highhold Heirlooms collection)
- Shield of Charnel Grove (from the Bad Juju collection)
- Shield of Ghorkaal (from the Ghorkaal Relics collection)
- Shield of Kithicor (from the Ancient Kithicor Artifacts collection)
- Shield of Peril Point (from the Kithicor Pine Cones collection)
- Reward: Shield of the Phantom Sea (for the Triumphs of Shattered Seas final meta-collection)
Altar of Malice Medals (Items obtained by completing collections 31-35 above)
- Zavith’loa Medal (from the Mushrooms and Deinodons and Lizards, Oh My! collection)
- Ossuary of Malevolence Medal (from the Death, Blood, Death collection)
- Ssraeszha Medal (from the Lurking in the Grass collection)
- Castle Highhold Medal (from the A Persons House is Their Castle collection)
- Brokenskull Bay Medal (from the Shiver Me Timbers collection)
- Reward: Shattered Seas Medal (for the Triumphs of Shattered Seas final meta-collection)
Ship Wheels (Items obtained by completing collections 36-40 above)
- Queen's Revenge (from the Brokenskull Earrings collection)
- Loyal Swabby (from the Pirate Coat Buttons collection)
- Royal Opulence (from the Pirate Protection collection)
- Golden Trinity (from the Pirate Ship Pieces collection)
- Norrath's Galley (from the Treasure Maps collection)
- Reward: Silk Stitched Hate's Fury Flag (for the Triumphs of Shattered Seas final meta-collection)
Ossuary Busts (Items obtained by completing collections 41-45 above)
- Bust of Virtuoso Edgar V'Zann (from the Ossuary Chasuble collection)
- Bust of Villandre V'Zher (from the Ossuary Medallions collection)
- Bust of Prime Ritualist Darkthrall (from the Ossuary Skulls collection)
- Bust of Tserrina Syl'tor (from the Ossuary Statuettes collection)
- Bust of Ritual Keeper V'derin (from the Pyxes of the Ossuary collection)
- Reward: Bone Carved Bust of Lanys T'Vyl (for the Triumphs of Shattered Seas final meta-collection)
Tales of Malice (Items obtained by completing collections 46-60 above)
- Tales of Villandre V'Zher (from the Blood Stained Objects collection)
- Tales of the Ossuary of Malevolence (from the Flesh Scraps collection)
- Tales of Zavith'loa (from the Zavith'loa Mushrooms collection)
- Tales of Jaestin Ferrin (from the Urzarach Weapons collection)
- Tales of the Deinodons (from the Zavith'loa Flowers collection)
- Tales of Tserrina Syl'tor (from the Torture Tools collection)
- Tales of the Allu'thoa (from the Zavith'loa Allu'thoa Idols collection)
- Tales of the Far Seas Trading Company (from the Whiz-Bangs collection)
- Tales of the Ssraeshza Temple (from the Akhevan Runes collection)
- Tales of Brokenskull Bay (from the Brokenskull Bites collection)
- Tales of Captain Krasnok (from the Brokenskull Booze collection)
- Tales of the Shissar (from the Shissar Glass Idols collection)
- Tales of the Hate's Fury (from the Brokenskull Bullion collection)
- Tales of the Grimlings (from the Shissar Tools collection)
- Tales of Castle Highhold (from the Shralok Shreds collection)
- Reward: Tales of the Shattered Seas (for the Triumphs of Shattered Seas final meta-collection)
Final Meta-Collection for Final Reward[]
- Shield of the Tranquil Sea (from the Shields of Tranquil Sea meta-collection)
- Bone Carved Bust of Lanys T'Vyl (from the Ossuary Busts meta-collection)
- Shattered Seas Medal (from the Altar of Malice Medals meta-collection)
- Shield of the Phantom Sea (from the Shields of Phantom Sea meta-collection)
- Tales of the Shattered Seas (from the Tales of Malice meta-collection)
- Silk Stitched Hate's Fury Flag (from the Ship Wheels meta-collection)
- Reward: Mithril Ring of Amplified Power
Tradeskill Collections[]
Far Trader Relics (Tranquil Sea)
- Broken Rudder
- Captain's Sextant
- Far Trader Log Book
- Far Trader Pennant
- Scorched Goblin Cage
- Sturdy Capstan
- Waterlogged Boom
- Waulon's Lucky Hat
- Weathered Tiller
- Well Greased Pulley
- Wooden Spar
- Worn Halyard
- Reward: Far Seas Fountain (House Item)
Misplaced Far Seas Mementos (Phantom Sea)
- Purrla's Lucky Gnoll Tail
- Korros' Gambling Dice
- Matthew's Spare Scarf
- Felice's Wineglass
- Steve's Lost Spectacles
- Karalyn's Salt Shaker
- Ethan's King's Court Deck
- Bartleby's Favorite Shield
- Reward: Far Seas Snowglobe (House Item)