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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Bonemire  (AA)
Introduced LU55
Journal Level 66 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Bonemire more
How to Start Speak to Weneb Tacklenogg at Drednever Crash Site near ( -29, 44, 527 ) Copy.
part of: Bonemire Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Thorny Desires

What does this information mean?


  1. Gather some wasteland strider eggs and nocturnal hunter corpses.
    • Collect 3 Wasteland Strider eggs. These are in the spider cave at ( 247, 40, 651 ) Copy. The cave is also the home of Shissa the Ashweaver and while the quest doesn't require her death, getting the eggs will require her to be dealt with.
    • Kill and collect 3 Nocturnal Hunter bodies. These are the bats found in the area - try around ( -312, 71, 648 ) Copy. If there aren't any up, just kill a few ashengaze basilisks as they share the spawn points. Nocturnal hunters on Shattered Weir are also count. They are much more common here.
  2. Return to Weneb at the Drednever Crash Site.


nothing else counts for nocturnal hunter bodies
