EverQuest 2 Wiki
Aliyah Vensdord

Aliyah Vensdord

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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Faction Merchant
Race Human
Zone Kylong Plains (Rise of Kunark)
Location Teren's Grasp2225, 528, -1007 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI


Items for sale Price
Acid Scarred Gauntlets 5p 80g 60s 80c
Bangle of Foresight 4p 93g 51s 68c
Battledruid's Hide Headdress 6p 46g 96s 32c
Battlepriest's Plate Barbute 6p 46g 96s 32c
Battleshaman's Chainmail Skullcap 6p 46g 96s 32c
Boots of the Drifter 5p 39g 13s 60c
Boots of the Sathirian Shaman 5p 39g 13s 60c
Boots of the Swift 5p 39g 13s 60c
Bracers of Refraction 5p 39g 13s 60c
Bracers of the Sathirian 5p 39g 13s 60c
Centered Headband of Distraction 6p 46g 96s 32c
Chokidai Banded Cap 6p 46g 96s 32c
Cuffs of the Spell Spinner 5p 39g 13s 60c
Fetid Wrap of Undeath 4p 97g 66s 40c
Gold Inlaid Earring 4p 97g 66s 40c
Greaves of the Demented 7p 87s 68c
Howling Bracelet 4p 97g 66s 40c
Ink Stained Sash 4p 97g 66s 40c
Jungle Camouflage Tunic 8p 8g 70s 40c
Kylong Kiteshield 5p 39g 13s 60c
Lead Lined Helm 6p 46g 96s 32c
Leather Bands of the Pious 5p 39g 13s 60c
Leggings of the Silent 7p 87s 68c
Mantle of the Cutpurse 6p 46g 96s 32c
Mantle of the Spell Spinner 6p 46g 96s 32c
Moss Encrusted Band 4p 97g 66s 40c
Necklace of the Watchers 4p 97g 66s 40c
Ornate Runed Stud 4p 97g 66s 40c
Pantaloons of the Spell Spinner 7p 87s 68c
Pauldrons of Despair 6p 46g 96s 32c
Polished Jade Band 4p 97g 66s 40c
Polished Jade Bracelet 4p 97g 66s 40c
Polished Jade Earring 4p 97g 66s 40c
Polished Jade Necklace 4p 97g 66s 40c
Slippers of the Spell Spinner 5p 39g 13s 60c
Steel Woven Band 4p 97g 66s 40c
Supple Hide Gloves 5p 93g 4s 96c
Tremor Mantle 6p 46g 96s 32c
Tunic of Light Absorption 8p 8g 70s 40c
Twisted Topaz Earring 4p 97g 66s 40c
Vest of the Spell Spinner 8p 8g 70s 40c
Whispering Skull Cap 6p 46g 96s 32c
Yha-lei Scale Gloves 5p 93g 4s 96c