Joust his frontal when he "sets up to swipe away everyone in front of it!"
optional "climp down" at ( -541, 53, -169 ) Copy/waypoint -541.40, 52.91, -169.17 for the shiny from named and to discover Cragnok's Cubby, then climp up again
Derussah the Deceptive at ( -728, 58, -353 ) Copy/waypoint -728.34, 58.37, -352.68
Puts an elemental debuff on you so you can't see him, just cure.
calles A violent vortex to aid him, kill add then dmg named again
Hasira the Hawk at ( -854, 53, -408 ) Copy/waypoint -853.94, 53.46, -408.08
summons Hasira's Marker close by, knocks you down and calls 2 adds. Kill the adds and the marker and Named comes back
Adds and flies around, slowing you. Cure,
Destroy the ball thing in the middle that she summons, or you will die.
Keep burning her and curing the slow debuff.
Optional: at ( -804, 55, -478 ) Copy/waypoint -804.43, 54.67, -477.72 you can discover Hawk's Point
exit the zone at ( -781, 54, -403 ) Copy/waypoint -780.66, 54.26, -403.06