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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Ballads of Zimara
Level Range 125-130
Zone in from Aether Wroughtlands
Entrance is at

portal ( -286, 19, -574 ) Copy

Parent Zone Aether Wroughtlands
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 1h30mins - 3days
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  1. Katakir the Cruel-83, 36, -632 ) Copy
    • DPS the two adds he has with them by using HOs. Then focus him and do the same.
    • Disarms, seems to most hit helm
  2. Theya Shen'Safa-19, 50, -786 ) Copy
    • Stuns, use adornments as necessary. Otherwise seems to be tank and spank.
  3. Metalloid
    • Stifles. tank and spank with HOs. ( 276, 36, -688 ) Copy
    • After I killed Katakir, Theya, and Metalloid, the transporter at ( 294, 36, -684 ) Copy activated.
  4. Syadun
    • Stifles, engage him and then pull the watcher's weaves from the tops of the pillars to get rid of his stacks. Just DPS once they are dead. ( 44, 37, -662 ) Copy
      • each of the a watcher's weave gives him 20% damage reduction
      • Syadun has a frontal elemental ability that can kill you quickly if you don't have the ability to cure it. Bring elemental cures.
    • Once he is dead, there is a teleport where he was standing that will take you to the last boss.
  5. Shanrazad the Spared
    • Once engaged, it is wise to stand with your back to the rock, because he teleports you to the edge (or off the platform altogether.) Otherwise just burn him down.
    • His teleport also roots you, this is a curable trauma detriment. Plan accordingly if you don't want the fight to take all day.

Don't forget your shinies!
