Stuns, use adornments as necessary. Otherwise seems to be tank and spank.
Stifles. tank and spank with HOs. ( 276, 36, -688 ) Copy/waypoint 276, 36, -688
After I killed Katakir, Theya, and Metalloid, the transporter at ( 294, 36, -684 ) Copy/waypoint 294, 36, -684 activated.
Stifles, engage him and then pull the watcher's weaves from the tops of the pillars to get rid of his stacks. Just DPS once they are dead.
each of the a watcher's weave gives him 20% damage reduction
Once he is dead, there is a teleport where he was standing that will take you to the last boss.
Shanrazad the Spared
Once engaged, it is wise to stand with your back to the rock, because he teleports you to the edge (or off the platform altogether.) Otherwise just burn him down.