Attack the Volatile Currents and drag them over to the inactive silver piles on the ground. After a Volatile Current is dead, the silver pile will become an Overcharged Silverick and attackable.
Drag the Overcharged Silverick to the middle of the three large balls on the platform then kill it.
Repeat this until all three balls are electric. They are auto-updates and you need 3 to activate a teleporter.
NOTE: Some of the silver piles took forever to defeat, when that happens, just to the middle of a different ball. For me, this worked and it went down faster.
Once the teleporter at ( -471, 253, 602 ) Copy/waypoint -470.93, 252.95, 602.27 is active, click it to teleport up.
Kill Satashi the Staggering
Summons adds and stuns. Plan adornments accordingly.
Cure arcane, and has a nasty knockback.
Once defeated, step off the platform to jump back down to the Maelstrom Mesa level.
Take the teleporter at ( -453, 253, 637 ) Copy/waypoint -453.21, 252.95, 636.52 to the Havoc Hold area.
Activate the next teleporter which is located on the Havoc Hold level.
Follow the same steps to have 3 Overcharged Silverick activate a teleporter. You should now have 6 silver ick.
Take the teleport at ( -615, 255, 742 ) Copy/waypoint -614.99, 255.19, 742.02 to the top.
Kill Vashtu the Volatile
Summons adds and fears. Plan adornments accordingly.
adds are called a cloud of chaos and each add gives the named 20% damage reduction and 5 adds up = instant wipe
Periodically he says "I'm starting to get angry!" or "I'm getting angry again!" and places a buff "Explosive Temper" on himself. That buff starts with a count 25, counting downwards. Dispell before it reaches 0 or you get knocked back.
Once defeated, step off the platform to jump back down to the Maelstrom Mesa level.
Take the teleporter at ( -631, 255, 777 ) Copy/waypoint -631.33, 255.19, 776.87 to the Conductor's Cliff area.
Activate the next teleporter which is located on the Conductor's Cliff level.
Follow the same steps to have 3 Overcharged Silverick activate a teleporter. You should now have 9 silver ick.
NOTE: You should now have the update to return to Oolfonson and don't need to kill the next named.
If you decide to proceed, Take the teleport to the top.
Kill Etosh the Electrifying
Attack and DPS his two hands first. He has a knockback and a fear, but both can be cured before the debuff ends.