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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced LU59
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Butcherblock Mountains more
How to Start Speak to a Aether Racing Referee located on the docks at ( 737, 24, 525 ) Copy

What does this information mean?


  • You must dismount before stepping on the pad to start the race.
  • While racing: aim to fly through the blue and green spots floating in the air to increase your speed, but dodge the spots with red lightning around them, because they will slow you down.
  • There is no level limit for flight on the Unstable version of the mounts, making it a good flight solution for characters under the 85 adventure or tradeskill level required for other mounts.
  • If you click the big machine next to the quest-giver, you can see race results.


  1. Speak to the Aether Racing Referee located on the docks at ( 737, 24, 525 ) Copy
  2. Step on the the teleport pad to start
  3. Complete the course in the designated time period
  4. Return to Aether Racing Referee


The rewards for completing the races varies depending on the number of times it is completed.

  • The rewards build when you repeat the races in the same zone
  • The achievement Furiously Fast requires completing the races in all locations during the event. See the achievement page for a list of zones.

First Race[]

Completion of 1-4 Races[]

One of the following per time completed:

Completion of 5 or More[]

One of the Following:

Completion of 10 or More[]

Zone Specific Reward[]

For reaching the finish in under 84 seconds:
