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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced LU44
Journal Level 45 (Tier 5)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Speak with a Trades Coordinator in any major city.
part of: Craftsman Timeline
Preceded by:
Tradesman Service
Followed by:
Advanced Journeyman Tasks
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


The title of this quest will vary based on your crafting profession. However, the steps are the same for all classes.


  • L40+ Tradeskill Profession

Starting the Quest[]

Quest starters are Trades Coordinators:


  1. Craft 3 sets of 4 (12 total) level 40 handcrafted items. (Your quest journal will say which items to craft).
  2. Find Keevan Fastmarch, Resource Surveyor, in The Feerrott, near the Teleport Spires, in the Hidden Camp at ( -125, 14, 179 ) Copy.
  3. Find Fiderik Nalot, Resource Surveyor, in Everfrost, near the pioneer camp due West of the zone-in dock at the little island where the revive tent is ( 218, -19, 52 ) Copy.
  4. Find Thullekla Dy'xin, Resource Surveyor, in Lavastorm, checking mineral samples on the beach ( -222, -129, 505 ) Copy.
  5. Return to the Grandmaster for your reward.

