EverQuest 2 Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Advanced Lightning Tracker Mach I.

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Quest Item
Advanced Lightning Tracker Mach I
Item 1935
This mechanical insect can track just about anything! If you can keep up with it.
Track Target
Required by the Quest
'Piercing the Darkness: The Sad Tale of Benosch Ironsprocket Part III'
Charges (1/1)
Casting 4 seconds
Duration 10 minutes
Recast 2 seconds
  • Applies Track Target when Activated. Lasts for 10 minutes.
    • Creates a trail of light to the tracked target.
Obtain: created with a Recipe called Advanced Lightning Tracker Mach I

\aITEM -1880998323 1108891901:Advanced Lightning Tracker Mach I\/a \aITEM -1880998323 1108891901:Advanced Lightning Tracker Mach I\/a
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