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Advanced Adventure Writ Agent (Visible)

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: House Item Subtype: Guild Hall Amenity
Advanced Adventure Writ Agent
This item can be placed in your house or guild hall.
Obtain: Available only within Guild Halls
  • Purchase cost: 25p 10,000,000 status
  • Upkeep cost: 45p 45,000 status
  • You must be a guild leader or trustee to purchase it.
  • This can only be placed in the guild hall.

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Right click a hireling to open the Options. You must have at least one Mannequin amenity to set the Uniform. (Click to enlarge)

See the Guild Hall Amenities page for a list of all amenities.

About the Advanced Adventure Writ Agent Hireling[]

A Advanced Adventure Writ Agent is a NPC.

  • It functions just like a normal writ NPC.
  • Completing writs earn status points that can be used to contribute to the upkeep of the guild hall.

Hireling Options[]

R click and choose Customize from the list. You can set the following"

  • Name -Like character names, you can not choose a name with a copyright (e.g. Luke Skywalker) or one that is obscene.
  • Race - choose any of the playable races for the hireling
  • Sex - choose to make the hireling female or male
  • Uniform - you must have at least one Uniform Mannequin amenity to set a uniform.

Levels Supported[]

The in game description states that this hireling supports writs that deal with the continents of Kunark, Odus and Velious. However, it also supports the Tranquil Sea and Phantom Sea areas.
