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A shar vahl vanilla latte

A shar vahl vanilla latte

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Drink
a shar vahl vanilla latte
Item 2554
Not many of the old Vah Shir recipes survived the events of "The Shattering" but the shar vahl vanilla latte was fortunately rediscovered by a group of Kerran historians around the time of their resettlement into Stonestair Byway. It wasn't long before the recipe caught on and the rest of Freeport was seen enjoying this sweet, caffeinated beverage.

Satiation Superior
Duration 30 minutes
Level 100 (Tier 11)
  • Increases Power Regen of target by 150.0.
Obtain: Given by a Guide during a GM event

\aITEM 1451299454 905472565:a shar vahl vanilla latte\/a \aITEM 1451299454 905472565:a shar vahl vanilla latte\/a
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