In-Game Examine Window
\aITEM 168488904 -471763134:a mossy grotto hopper\/a \aITEM 168488904 -471763134:a mossy grotto hopper\/a
What does this information mean?
- This is a , which means it has an interactive menu. Among the commands, it can be told to "stay" if you don't want it to wander.
- It is one of the few Loyalty Point House Items with a high Rent Status Reduction, which is useful if you place it in standard housing, but it can not be used to reduce the cost of guild halls.
- This house pet sounds like a real world frog.
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 14:47:11 +0000