EverQuest 2 Wiki
A fanatical devotee

A fanatical devotee

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EverQuest II Monster Information
Race: Orc
Level: 24▲▲ Tier 3 Heroic Aggressive Social
Class: Berserker
Zone: Crushbone Keep
Location: First floor, east wing - in the Temple of the Prophet-53, 0, -78 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

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  • Part of a ring event.
    1. Clear the frenzied worshippers (three 24^^^ unlinked) to activate the fanatical devotees.
    2. Clear the fanatical devotees (two groups of two 24^^ linked).
    3. The Crushbone Prophet (24^^^) and two boar beasts (24 evencon) activate. Kill them to complete the event.