The quest starter and the text when you examine it
What does this information mean?
- Speak with Farmer Walcott at ( -99, 0, 47 ) Copy/waypoint -99, 0, 47.
- Kill Witherstraw scarecrows until you receive an automatic update for a Pristine Witherstraw Scarecrow Cap.
- Kill Darkpaw mystics at ( -55, -16, 561 ) Copy/waypoint -55, -16, 561 or ( -1313, 3, 784 ) Copy/waypoint -1313, 2.6, 784 until you receive an automatic update for Darkpaw Sinew.
- Return to the cave with the Darkpaw animators and click the bale of hay to gather a bundle of gnoll quiverstraw.
- Kill sparrow-hawks at ( 46, -14, 176 ) Copy/waypoint 46, -14, 176 until you receive a rare auto-update for a rainbow feather.
- Return to Farmer Walcott for your reward.