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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Sundered Frontier  (AA)
Introduced Sentinel's Fate
Journal Level 84 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Sundered Frontier more
How to Start Speak with Bai'Yun. ( -512, 294, 3122 ) Copy
part of: The Sundered Frontier Timeline
Preceded by:
Meeting the Progeny
Followed by:
Handbook for the Recently Deceased

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak with Elder Su'Linh-517, 294, 3083 ) Copy about how to dispose of the body.
  2. Find and burn the body. ( 268, 126, 2749 ) Copy The Corpse is on the path Just in front of Tox's Lair.
    • This is timed. You have five minutes to complete this step.
      • You might choose to evac and fly to the Toxxulia Forest station and then run to the body.
      • Or take your fastest mount and head down the ramp from the caves and go northwest to ( -220, 252, 2811 ) Copy where you can run straight up the cliff wall and then jump west down into Toxxulia Forest pretty close to the body location. When you jump off the cliff, it would be a good idea to be wearing some type of featherfall cloak, so that you can land in the forest and not fall into open air.
      • Or head towards north end of Hua Mein village, jump up on the rocks and over the cliff, be there in 30 seconds.
        A Visual Emergency quest - body

        Burn the Hua Mein body

  3. Inform Bai'Yun that the deed was done.


  • At least 46g
  • Completing this quest gives +2000 faction with Hua Mein