EverQuest 2 Wiki
Gava berries

Gava berry bush

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ZAM · EQ2U · Census xml
EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tranquil Sea  (AA)
Introduced Altar of Malice
Journal Level 99 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Tranquil Sea more
How to Start Speak with Lagni-698, 7, 291 ) Copy
part of: Shattered Seas Timeline
Preceded by:
A Deinodon is Angry
Followed by:
Hiding From Deinodons

What does this information mean?


Monster hops

monster hops


Bucket near Lagni

  1. Collect gava berries (0/8)
    • You will need to hunt for these. They are in the area around ( -274, 35, -232 ) Copy The Gava Berry bushes are found at the base of several of the trees very cleverly hidden amongst the other bushes. They sparkle, but not brightly. Use Region of Interest boundaries to keep yourself on track.
  2. Collect monster hops (0/8). These are also found at the base of trees.

The hops are in the blue area on the map and in the area to the south of it.

  1. Mash the berries and hops in the bucket near Lagni ( -695, 7, 283 ) Copy
  2. Return to Lagni nearby.

