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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Kingdom of Sky
Journal Level 70 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone The Barren Sky more
How to Start Speak to Fuzzmin the Lost on The Whisperwind Isle-581, 51, -424 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
part of: Heritage Quests Timeline
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  1. Kill the following mobs:
  2. Return to Fuzzmin the Lost in The Barren Sky at ( -581, 51, -424 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. He gives you a Rusty Wurmslayer.
  3. Go to the Hidden Refuge in Tenebrous Tangle and speak to an old man behind the waterfall, at ( 82, -213, 194 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI. He will give you a level 50 artisan recipe for Re-shafted Wurmslayer.
    • Be very friendly and cooperative in your conversation. If you say the wrong thing the old man will grow tired of the conversation and you will have to start the dialogue over.
  4. Retrieve the oak shaft from a chest in The Lair of Scale within the Sanctum of the Scaleborn, at ( 23, 121, 307 ) Copy or ( -3, 122, 334 ) Copy.
    • If you use these waypoints from the entrance, it will lead you to a locked door. You'll first need to go to the Hall of Rites8, 65, 14 ) Copy, take the south hallway to The Gorgs' Pit11, 57, 310 ) Copy, and then climb up to the Audience Chamber. From here the wisp will direct you to the chest.
  5. In the Sanctum of the Scaleborn, go to the unique forge at ( -116, 65, -34 ) Copy and craft Re-shafted Wurmslayer.
    • You must have 10 rough lumbered rosewood and 5 Scintillating Coal.
    • While you must be a level 50 artisan to scribe the recipe, it is a level 60 Geocraft combine. If you are lucky or skilled at crafting you can do this with lower than 300 Geocraft.
    • You must create a pristine item or you will fail and your resources will be lost.
  6. Return to the old man in Tenebrous Tangle. He will give you a level 55 artisan recipe for Re-bladed Wurmslayer.
  7. Go to The Workshop of Naar'Yora (third floor) in Palace of the Awakened within the Barren Sky, and loot an imbued bar of metal from a chest at ( 177, 57, 32 ) Copy.
  8. Return to the unique forge in Sanctum of the Scaleborn ( -116, 65, -34 ) Copy, and craft Re-bladed Wurmslayer.
  9. Return to the old man in Tenebrous Tangle. He will give you a level 60 artisan recipe for Formed Wurmslayer.
  10. Go to The Carnivorous Pillar in The Halls of Fate within The Bonemire and loot a Quellithulian enchantment from a scroll case at ( -51, -58, -110 ) Copy.
  11. Return to the unique forge in Sanctum of the Scaleborn ( -116, 65, -34 ) Copy, and craft Formed Wurmslayer.
  12. Return to the old man in Tenebrous Tangle.
  13. You must now kill three dragons:
  14. Return to the old man in Tenebrous Tangle. He will give you a level 65 artisan recipe for The Wurmslayer and three vials of dragon blood.
  15. Return to the unique forge in Sanctum of the Scaleborn ( -116, 65, -34 ) Copy, and craft The Wurmslayer.
    • You will need 7 Scintillating Incense.
    • If you destroy the vials of blood or the Formed Wurmslayer, simply return to the old man and he will reimburse them.
    • The item is a level 70 difficult Geocraft combine, but at level 65 artisan (required to scribe) it should not be that difficult.

