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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Maj'Dul  (AA)
Introduced Desert of Flames
Journal Level 49 (Tier 5)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Maj'Dul more
How to Start Examine Service Entrance Key, Blades, dropped by a palace sweeper (blue robes).
part of: Peacock Club Timeline
Preceded by:
Welcome to the Peacock Club
Followed by:
Welcome to the Peacock Club
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean? This is an unlimited repeatable quest.


  1. Enter the Court of the Blades via the sewer grate at ( 8, 149, 92 ) Copy. Note that this instance can be completed with a duo.
  2. Complete the following within 5.0 minutes: (Do NOT try to box this instance you do not have time to run with more than one toon at a time, also if one peroson in group is not on this step, no one will be able to enter though backdoor)
    1. Inspect a glass frame; 1st floor ( 18, 0, 5 ) Copy
    2. Inspect a book; 2nd floor ( -16, 6, 8 ) Copy
    3. Inspect a picture; 2nd floor ( 16, 5, 12 ) Copy
    4. Inspect a scroll; 1st floor on top of the safe ( 23, 0, 6 ) Copy
    5. Leave the zone the way you came in - remember the exit is found by using the climbable walls positioned on either side of the southern wall on the 2nd floor.
  3. Kill a Blades Historian, roaming near the Court of the Blades.
  4. Approach a skeleton in the Sinking Sands at ( -997, -96, -1200 ) Copy. Kill the Raj'Dur raiders that spawn for an uncommon update. You may have to wait ~10 minutes for their respawn if the first group doesn't drop Historian Ganish's banner key.
  5. Kill any Alliz Raef Ew lizardman near ( -488, -130, -872 ) Copy until you get Historian Kaldara's key update.
  6. Re-enter the Court of the Blades via the sewer grate.
  7. Inspect the banner; 1st floor, the room with the glass frame
  8. Exit the way you came in (top floor - use the eastern stairs to get from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor and then use the eastern climby wall to get to the third - door is right there...says "To the servant's exit" when you mouse over it - quest completes upon clicking it)

