EverQuest 2 Wiki
NPC a Tears grifter

A Tears grifter

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EverQuest II Monster Information
Race: Human
Level: 55▲▲▲ Tier 6 Heroic
Zone: Maj'Dul
Location: Throughout the zone (see below)

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The Tears' grifters serve the Court of Tears, the smallest of the Courts of Maj'Dul. They operate in the shadows, assigning dirty work to any willing adventurers.

The grifters offer repeatable quests that take place within small instances around Maj'Dul called 'Maj'Dul Residences'. These quests are randomly assigned, and are on a 30-minute cooldown whether you accept or decline them. They reward a varying amount of Court Tokens, which can be turned in at The Tower of the Moon for a faction increase with a Court of your choice.


  • -185, 144, 35 ) Copy
  • -130, 138, 97 ) Copy
  • 160, 141, -58 ) Copy
  • -80, 150, 89 ) Copy

Offers Quests[]

Related Quests[]
