EverQuest 2 Wiki
A Sandscrawler summoner

A Sandscrawler summoner

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EverQuest II Monster Information
Race: Goblin
Special Attacks:
This monster has been known to use Noxious attacks
Level: 59▼▼ Tier 6 Heroic Aggressive Social
Class: Warlock
Zone: The Pillars of Flame
Location: On top of the Scrawling Cliffs356, -48, -831 ) Copy

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These can be found on top of the Scrawling Cliffs. A path to the top of the cliffs can be found at 441, -81, -881.

They always come in groups of four, surrounding a dusty tornado. The tornado can't be interacted with until the summoners are all defeated, at which point it becomes a MOB.
