In Splendor Wellspring climb the vine up to the ledge ( -566, 204, -38 ) Copy/waypoint -565.55, 204.35, -38.35 and walk closer to a sickly giant owl ( -458, 238, -75 ) Copy/waypoint -458.04, 238.14, -74.73
Examine Owl Pellet in front of a sickly giant owl ( -465, 239, -69 ) Copy/waypoint -465.42, 238.76, -68.52
Speak with the ghost of Hihne ( -472, 240, -81 ) Copy/waypoint -472.16, 239.55, -81.42
Gather and Hunt the following
Gather 8 Melon Radishes. (group-wide update) These can be difficult to spawn, some possible locations include: NOTE: I had to zoom in to see them. Toggle Night Vision on. You'll see them readily but Ultravision will not assist.